About Us

Who Are We?

The Root Creek Water District (RCWD) is located in southeastern Madera County and encompasses 9,674 acres. The district was formed to address the declining groundwater within the county and to ensure a long-term reliable water supply for both agricultural and municipal water users within the district boundary. The Madera County Board of Supervisors approved on September 11, 2007 Gateway Village (now called the Riverstone), a development which helps provide the financing to help the District secure surface water supply to the entire district.

Our Mission

From the commencement of the District formation in 1994, Root Creek and its landowners have been working to achieve similar goals outlined in the sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). RCWD expects to have a fully implemented management plan and sustainable groundwater decades before most areas in the state. The most valuable benefit that all District landowners receive from RCWD is achieving early compliance with SGMA and maintaining the necessary local groundwater balance without devaluing property or reducing either agricultural productivity or urban development of land within the District.

The majority of the RCWD water demand and water deliveries now, and for the foreseeable future, will continue to be for agricultural irrigation. The District also provides urban utility services to the Riverstone urban development, consisting of approximately 2,000 acres. At build-out, the Riverstone community is projected to include about 6,578 dwelling units, parks, schools, and commercial development. Root Creek Water District provides water, wastewater, and stormwater management services to Riverstone customers.

To fulfill the District’s commitment to balance the groundwater supply to support all current and projected water uses within RCWD, the District pursued long-term water supply, water storage, and water conveyance (or “wheeling) contracts with the Madera Irrigation District, Friant Water Users Authority, Chowchilla Irrigation District, the Westside Mutual Water Company, North Kern Water Storage District and the Shafter-Wasco Irrigation District. Imported water is delivered from Millerton Lake to the agricultural users via Madera Irrigation District’s Lateral 6.2 canal to Root Creek’s turnout into a 48-inch gravity pipeline that feeds the agricultural water distribution system, The pipeline was constructed in 2014 and delivered the first water supplies that summer. Agricultural users irrigate with imported surface water instead of pumping from the underground, which allows for groundwater levels to stabilize, thereby leaving a source of water for urban customers.

District Map

Root Creek District map


The District maintains multiple wells to supply water to urban customers, manages stormwater runoff in the Riverstone development, and provides wastewater management.  A wastewater treatment facility is owned and maintained by the district to treat wastewater.  Stormwater is captured in basins and recharged back into the ground, which aids in the maintenance groundwater levels.

Water Quality

The District provides municipal drinking water to the residents of the Riverstone Community and abides by water quality standards, as is required by State and Federal regulations. An annual water quality report, known as the Consumer Confidence Report, is a detailed report that presents the testing results of the contaminants, concentrations, and water sources from RCWD’s water. This report is made available to the public. Water quality is monitored and reported throughout the district and reported annually as the water district complies with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. More information regarding the district’s Groundwater Sustainability Plan may be found on the “Groundwater Sustainability Agency” tab, located on the main menu.

Community Facilities District (CFD)

Community Facility Districts (CFD) are special tax districts which collect funding through property tax invoices and use these funds to develop public infrastructure. The Root Creek CFD covers the Riverstone Development and generates funds to build and acquire facilities for water, sewer, and storm drain services. Root Creek CFD actively develops new facilities to provide services for the benefit of its constituents. 

View the Community Facilities District Accountability Report and other documents